Saturday, August 4, 2007

Feed Your Face

I finally got the nerve today to call in to my favorite radio show. The show is called "Feed Your Face with Schindler." All it is, is Schindler talking about awesome restaurants in Southern California. I called and I first talked to the screener, I was asking about churrascarrias in the LA area, and he asked me if I would like to talk to Schindler about it. I was live with Schindler for like two minutes. It was pretty awesome. Now I feel like I am an authority on churrascarrias in the LA area. So, if anyone out there has any questions on them or needs a good recommendation, please, feel free to let me know... ;)

Friday, August 3, 2007


I've been feeling really melancholy for a while now. I think it's just something I do naturally. I haven't been a good friend lately to too many people. There have been several of my best friends that I have had for a while that I have just neglected or forgotten about. I don't think I like that I have been doing this, but whenever I get up to finally call these friends that I have been neglecting, I start to think of how awkward it would be for me to just call out of the blue.
I have been seeing clear divisions in my life lately as well. Like, I will move on from something that I have been doing for a while and I will never return to it again. It feels like something in my head says, "OK, I will never go back to COC again." Or, "This is the last time in my life I will be in this place." I used to think that change was really gradual and subtle, but sometimes, it's very clear and defined. So many people in my life have meant so much to me for just a short period of time, and now, I won't even call them. To all of those, I am sorry.